This year has brought along with much sorrow and plight, the end of "the L word". The groundbreaking series has been with us for 6 seasons, and with the initial surprise and praise for the depiction of days in the life of the Los Angeles lesbian community, later came all the unnecessary drama and the sluggish plot of seasons 4 and 5. However, the L word has introduced a couple of dozens of memorable characters, unforgettable performances, and along with them, celebrated love scenes that made a lot of girls sigh.
Who can forget Bette and Candace's illegitimate affair, starting off at the stairs of a respectable hotel? Cherie and Shane getting it on by the pool? Ivan in full drag, moustache and all, dancing for Kit? Thus, in no particular order, whatsoever, here are (most of) the faces that kept us company for 6 straight long years, (ok wrong term - gay long years), since 2004, the faces that forever changed the countenance of television!