I just watched the best "House M.D." episode ever. Then I discovered it was Hugh Laurie who directed it.
I stand in awe!
House M.D. is one of the very few series I keep on watching and keep on wanting to watch so many years later- and I have never been disappointed so far. The level of excellence this production has reached is something unique in the history of television.
Hugh Laurie is a gifted artist- today's episode "Lockdown"(S.06, e.p16) just proves it once more. Here is to hoping that this series will not sit there twiddling its thumbs for a time that's longer than what is needed for what it actually has to say.
"When a newborn disappears from the nursery, Princeton Plainsboro goes on lockdown, preventing anyone from entering, leaving or moving within the hospital. While House and his team members are trapped in various parts of the building, new insights about the team’s personal histories, relationships and regrets surface." (summary from imdb.com)
Into the "Suggested Watching" category!