Πέμπτη 14 Απριλίου 2011

Another Roadside Attraction

London to Sydney:
Only a few thousand miles to go...
Here is another chapter of my notorious Couchsurfing adventures. If you check my couchsurfing profile here... you will realise I have not been hosted abroad by anyone yet...! I prefer to let the world come to me. Last night, it was a company of three young guys from Britain. Johno Ellison (27 years old), Paul Archer (24) and Leigh Purnell (23) attempting to break the World Record for the longest taxi journey ever by driving a vintage Black Cab (called "Hannah") 30,000 miles from London to Sydney. "Hannah" is actually a 1992 LTI 2.7 litre diesel FX4. Wednesday night they arrived with Hannah in Thessaloniki and stayed at our place for the night. They started from London 8 weeks ago and today they took off for Instabul! I wished them well, ... accepted a great bottle of Belarus Vodka as a present (thank you guys!) and took the chance to have a few pictures with them before they leave! Enjoy... and don't forget to donate if you can!"

Ready to go!

Hannah's insides

www.itsonthemeter.com(it's on my ass, Hannah says)

999: the number of the beast

three couchsurfers and their happy hostess (From Left to Right: Leigh, Johno, Paul and Anastasia)
Here is some info from their website: http://www.itsonthemeter.com/ " It’s on the Meter ’ is an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the longest taxi journey in history. The expedition will cover four continents, thirty-nine countries, ten time zones and over 50,000 km, in an 18-year-old classic London Black Cab.
The team departed from the London transport museum on February 17th 2011, the expedition is aiming to raise a minimum of £20,000 for the British Red Cross through online donations via ‘JustGiving’. Setting off from London, travelling via Europe, Russia, the Middle East, India, China and South East Asia.

The taxi will finally arrive in Sydney, Australia approximately eight months later. Along the way, the team will pick up passengers including VIPs, journalists and, of course, locals who seem like they could use a lift! The idea is to keep the expedition as pure an adventure as possible with no support vehicles, relying the on the team’s average ingenuity and negotiation skills to achieve the distance."

Hannah and her sisters
(Hannah is resting next to a distant Greek sibling: a car
whose owner is from Chalkidiki, Greece)

Johno taking care of Hannah's behind
(She's a young British lady, after all, only 19 years old
and young ladies must look good when going out at all times of day)

The British Red Cross does not forget
to recycle even when on the road!Bravo!

Leigh is grassing up Hannah
(no, that's not what I mean,
you dirty bugger, sod off)

Johno grew up in Yorkshire, England. After leaving school he trained as a helicopter pilot for four years before changing career direction and attending Aston University to study Sustainable Product Design. It was there that he met the other team members and developed a keen interest in travel and photography.He has travelled widely including backpacking around South America, hitchhiking through the Balkans and driving to Kazakhstan.

Paul grew up in Gloucester On leaving school he worked in Ghana as a secondary school teacher for six months before hitchhiking and using local transport to cross West Africa and the Sahara desert, via Timbuktu, to Morocco.Balancing his studies with other trips and expeditions he has climbed Kilimanjaro, Kayaked the White Nile, Snow boarded the Himalayas and started an ongoing volunteer project in Uganda.

Leigh Was born in Staffordshire After attending the local College he went to Aston University to study Techonogy and Enterprise Management He has been a High Ropes instructor for a summer camp in USA, travelled twice to East Africa running community projects and visited North Africa for 7 months during a period of 3 years He has used his education to run and create charity projects, raising over 54000 pounds directly in 2 years.

P.S. Another Roadside Attraction is a novel by the American, world-renowned, mad author, Tom Robbins

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