Κυριακή 28 Ιουνίου 2009

What's Up Doc?


Constant celebrity paranoia:

Fan A: Michael Jackson died! His doctor was a fucking crook. He did it.
Fan B: He was cursed! He was cursed to die like Elvis.

Common Sense: Would he have hired a staff doctor... if he was healthy?

ΣΗΜ:*από βιτρίνα Ιατρικών Ειδών (Εθνικής Αμύνης & Εγνατία) στη Θεσσαλονίκη

5 σχόλια:

  1. Fan C:Elvis lives.he was disguised as a doctor and murdered M.J cause he was afraid that his upcoming tour would crown him as King.

  2. Fan D: M.J. lives. He is sick of Show-Business therefore he was disguised as the President of Honduras. Subsequently, the Army abducted him and he's going to live his remaining days at a secret SPA somewhere in the Carribean.

  3. Fan E:latest reports reveal that M.J is disguised as an I.K.A pensioner and travels with the 3d KAPI to Aidipsos.rumours also say that he won;t stop singing.a lady named Marigoula from Joumerka mountain called at E weekly and refered into a strange poster with a weird guy wearing a traditional mantila next to petroloukas xalkias with the name Mixos Jaksoulas

  4. Fan F: έχει διαρρεύσει στο Αλ Τζαζίρα, ότι ρωσικός δορυφόρος αιχμαλώτισε αποκλειστικές εικόνες του γνωστού performer της Pop Michael Jackson, ο οποίος φέρεται να χορεύει πάνω στη Σελήνη στα γνωστά βήματα του Moonwalk.

  5. Fan G:please listen to me..Fan F is a provocateur at the services of Frank Sinatra.
    Frank living at a bangalow at Area 51 with Elvis, jealous of M.J's dancing skills decided to revenge M.J so they send him instead of Laica's grandaughter to the moon.
